Frequently Asked Questions

Scranton St Patrick Parade FAQs

Need a question answered that isn’t here? Contact Us.

Where should I stay if I am from out of town?

There are lots of great places to stay in Scranton, we recommend that you check out sponsors page for hotels. A great site that can help with your travel plans is

Where should I park?

Parking is available in downtown Scranton around the parade route. We recommend arriving early before the street are closed. You may also park at the Steamtown Mall. You can also check out

Where are some good places to view the Parade?

There aren’t any bad places along the Parade route. There are bleachers near the reviewing booth on North Washington Ave. Throngs of people traditionally line Lackawanna avenue (standing 4, sometimes 5 or more rows deep). Finally anywhere along Wyoming Ave will allow you a great chance to soak in the sights and sounds of the day!

When do the streets close?

9:30am of Parade Day

What should I bring to watch the Parade?

Keep an eye on the weather and dress accordingly. You may need gloves or you may need suntan lotion – hopefully the latter! Chairs and blankets are allowed on the Parade route.

How long does the Parade last?

Typically the Parade runs slightly under 3 and a half hours.

How do I enter the Parade and is there a fee?

The Parade Entry Form is on our website (click here) and can be submitted electronically or you can mail the entry for to P.O. Box 25, Scranton Pa. 18501. The fee schedule for Commercial Entries is located on the form; there remains no charge for community non-profit groups. The entry must be received by midnight on Feb 28th.

How is the Parade lineup determined?

We try to make each Division in the Parade like a small Parade with Bands, Marchers, Floats and Vehicles in each Division. We try to separate Bands and other entries with music with other types of marchers so as not to have the music drown out each other. We do try to give special consideration to marching groups with small children as March can be cold. High School Bands are rotated yearly so all will have a chance at good positioning in the Parade.

When will the line up be announced?

We will close applications on 11:59pm of Feb 28th and the Operations Committee will present a final lineup in the web site and to the Scranton Times by the Monday of “Parade Week”. Assembly areas will be included.

Where are the assembly areas?

We assemble the Parade using both sides of Mulberry Street from Wyoming Ave, and North on Wyoming towards Scranton Prep. Additional details will be provided with the Line of March.

Must I file an application to be in the Parade?

All groups appearing in the Parade must file an application. We do not allow groups to “piggy back” with other groups; this is violation of Parade Rules.

How can I be a vendor during the Parade?

If you would like more information on becoming a vendor for the Parade please contact the City of Scranton’s Licensing, Inspections and Permits Office by phone at (570)348-4193 or by email at [email protected]. We ask that all vendors stay off the Parade route for the safety of everyone.

How can I help?

We are always looking for volunteers on Parade Days, please Contact Us if you are interested!